Consulting, Inc.
Woodworking Software
Developers & Consultants
The Developers of

"The Cabinet Door and Drawer
Making Solutions™"
Since 1987, Hammond Consulting has been developing
software for the woodworking industry!
Custom Software Projects
Hammond Consulting does many custom projects for wood
working manufacturers. Usually these projects are hinged around
Doorlister® or Drawerlister™ and
are dovetailed to spedific needs of the client.
Companies like Cal
Door of
Morgan Hill ,CA and Valley
Custom Door of DePere, WI have highly customized
versions of Doorlister® that
have been designed for their specific needs.
Hammond can help with meeting your "Specialized Software" needs.
Common customizations include:
- Custom Reports for the shop or office
- Custom Data Connections to Accounting Software
- Custom Data Connections for computer
controlled equipment
- CNC-Routers
- Automated Cut-Off Saws
- Automated Tennoners
- Automated Panel Saws
- Bar Coding
- Custom Scheduling
- Importing data from other systems (CabnetWare,
CabinetVision, etc)
Hammond Consulting, Inc.
PO Box 1555
Oakdale, CA 95361